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Scroll smoothly when jumping to different sections on a page.


Simply add the uk-scroll attribute to any page-internal link that contains a URL fragment to add the smooth scrolling behavior.

<a href="#my-id" uk-scroll></a>
Scroll down
<a class="uk-button uk-button-primary" href="#target" uk-scroll>Scroll down</a>

The height of a sticky element, for example the sticky navbar, is automatically added as offset to the scroll target so it is not covered by the sticky element.


To define a general offset when linking directly to a specific section on a page, add the offset option.

<a href="#my-id" uk-scroll="offset: 100"></a>

If there is already an offset for a sticky element, the offset option is added up.

Callback after scroll

To receive a callback when scrolling has completed, you can listen to the scrolled event on the link element that triggered the scrolling.

<a id="js-scroll-trigger" href="#my-id" uk-scroll></a>
UIkit.util.on('#js-scroll-trigger', 'scrolled', function () {
Down with callback
<a id="js-scroll-trigger" class="uk-button uk-button-primary" href="#target" uk-scroll>Down with callback</a>

    UIkit.util.on('#js-scroll-trigger', 'scrolled', function () {

Component options

Any of these options can be applied to the component attribute. Separate multiple options with a semicolon. Learn more

Option Value Default Description
offset Number 0 Offset added to scroll top.


Learn more about JavaScript components.


UIkit.scroll(element, options);


The following events will be triggered on elements with this component attached:

Name Description
beforescroll Fires before scroll begins. Can prevent scrolling by calling preventDefault() on the event.
scrolled Fires after scrolling is finished.


The following methods are available for the component:



Scroll to the given element.

Name Type Default Description
el Node, Selector undefined The element to scroll to.

Scroll up